revendex's real-time back-office platform for ETD and OTC derivatives trading. Partnering with the most important derivatives exchanges around the world to serve and maintain high-quality, real-time and timezone-independent derivative data and trading.

primedex® is based on a microservice-oriented, multitier architecture. It has three different layers:
- display
- data management
- business logic
- display
- data management
- business logic

primedex® is highly customizable and fits all your needs. The product can be fit to access already existing endpoints of your infrastructure. Implementing a REST-API straight out-of-the-box, the software is highly capable and very compatible.

Our global product database provides the necessary contract, series and settlement prices for the management of primedex®. It is also offered as a single separate module for our customers.

We maintain strong partnerships with major derivatives exchanges around the world to serve high-quality derivatives data.